Gay Dads for Equality

The fight for marriage equality from the viewpoint of gay parents

Friday, April 01, 2005

American Made Bigotry (re: "Clelrics Fighting a Gay Festival For Jerusalem")

[ A letter I wrote to the NY Times regarding a front page article about Jewish, Christian and Muslim clerics that oppose the upcoming Gay WorlPride events in Jerusalem...]

To the Editor,

Re: "Clerics Fighting a Gay Festival For Jerusalem" (Front Page, March 31)

While not an answer to the growing trade gap, America does have one booming export: Bigotry. The supposedly unprecedented “interfaith” statement against WorldPride events in Jerusalem has "Made in America" written all over it. As previously reported, this opposition was initiated, galvanized and sponsored by American Evangelists. This statement was given little attention in Israel, where gays enjoy increasing social and legal recognition, and the issue of gay rights has not been politicized in the American fashion.

Indeed, earlier this month, the Israeli Attorney General ruled that same-sex families are entitled to survivor, disability and other social security benefits in order to "realize the ideal of justice, equality and mutual aid." These rights, in addition to many already broadened to include same-sex couples, encountered virtually no public opposition in Israel. American right-wing fundamentalists should not be allowed to intervene and spread intolerance worldwide.


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